Free Online Tools
We provide free and easy to use calculators and converters.
Title Capitalization
Convert automatically your text to title case (AMA, AP, APA, MLA, Chicago), sentence case (with proper noun handling), uppercase, lowercase.
Title Capitalization Tool →Word Counter
Free online character and word count tool without limits. Count the number of words and characters without limits.
Word Counter Tool → Character Counter Tool →CSS Unit Converters
Use these converters of CSS units to convert any CSS unit to another CSS unit easily. These applications are free and easy to use. Make your websites responsive with the help of these tools.

Hey, I'm Cristian! I've created and fool around with websites since I was 12 years old, and since then I always used and created free tools for my projects. That's why I've created AnyCalculators, to help you be more efficient with your tasks.