How many pages is 5,000 words?
5,000 words is a useful number to note when comparing word counts and pages. If using a word processing program, 5,000 words is the same as 10 pages of A4 with single spacing, or 20 pages of A4 with double spacing. In both cases, the font and margins will be the same: 12pt Arial or Times New Roman (or another standard, easy-to-read font), and margins of 1 inch with regular paragraph spacing.
Long-form journalism, college dissertations, and investigative journal articles can all be this length. It’s likely to take a long time to research and write, but 5,000 words should only take around 15–20 minutes to read.
Pages by Word Count
Word Count | Pages (single spaced) | Pages (double spaced) | Font Size |
250 Words | ½ Page | 1 Page | 12 Point |
300 Words | ⅔ Page | 1⅓ Pages | 12 Point |
400 Words | ⅘ Page | 1⅗ Pages | 12 Point |
500 Words | 1 Page | 2 Pages | 12 Point |
600 Words | 1⅓ Page | 2⅔ Pages | 12 Point |
750 Words | 1½ Pages | 3 Pages | 12 Point |
800 Words | 1⅗ Pages | 3⅕ Pages | 12 Point |
1000 Words | 2 Pages | 4 Pages | 12 Point |
1200 Words | 2⅖ Pages | 4⅘ Pages | 12 Point |
1500 Words | 3 Pages | 6 Pages | 12 Point |
2000 Words | 4 Pages | 8 Pages | 12 Point |
2500 Words | 5 Pages | 10 Pages | 12 Point |
3000 Words | 6 Pages | 12 Pages | 12 Point |
3500 Words | 7 Pages | 14 Pages | 12 Point |
4000 Words | 8 Pages | 16 Pages | 12 Point |
5000 Words | 10 Pages | 20 Pages | 12 Point |
6000 Words | 12 Pages | 24 Pages | 12 Point |
7500 Words | 15 Pages | 30 Pages | 12 Point |
8000 Words | 16 Pages | 32 Pages | 12 Point |
10000 Words | 20 Pages | 40 Pages | 12 Point |

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